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Mary Tealdi on Fly Fishing Far Afield

Mary Tealdi on Fly Fishing Far Afield.

Have you ever thought about traveling abroad to go fly fishing? Mary Tealdi is a prolific traveler, and a crack fly angler. She is a native Californian and has fly fished since college.  She began traveling internationally to fly fishing destinations 12 years ago.  Countries visited include Mexico, Belize, the Bahamas, Christmas Island, Russia, Norway, New Zealand, Argentina, and Chile.  Species include Trout, Steelhead, Pacific Salmon, Atlantic Salmon, Bass, Char, Carp. Pike, Bonefish, Permit, Snook, and Tarpon.  Mary is most interested in helping others avoid the pitfalls of international fly fishing travel to maximize trip enjoyment and minimize the need for TUMS.

Location: Corte Madera Town Center Room 201

Take Highway 101 to Corte Madera, exit at Tamalpais Drive, head west (Southbound = Right Turn, Northbound = Left Turn over overpass), take right into Corte Madera Town Center, turn right at stop sign and park in available spaces. The meeting room is located on the second floor. Look for the stairs located just to the left of the front entrance to the center, head up the stairs to the glass door. The meeting room is straight ahead past the elevator. There is also an elevator underneath the stairs by entering the main office on the ground floor.